Honey has been known as far as the early days of human existence, not just only for its sweetness but also its vast health benefits to mankind. These are some of the amazing benefits of using honey.1. Honey is rich in vitamins and mineral.Natural honey is a good source of vitamin c which helps to bo...
Honey has been said to be an important diet of the ancients, no doubt because of its numerous medicinal uses. Here are reasons why eating natural honey is healthy.Why is honey a special food?One of the greatest surprises of modern archeologists is the discovery of pots of honey that are still edible...
Raw honey is the unpasteurized version of commonly used honey and only differs in its filtration, which helps extend its shelf life. The National Honey Board says a tablespoon of raw honey contains 64 calories; no fat nor cholesterol. Its composition is roughly 80 percent carbohydrates (the typical ...